It has been brought to my attention lately, by numerous people, that I haven't blogged in a very long time. And it is absolutely true. It's been since Feb 2013. So much has happened in the past 9 months. Heck I could have had a baby! I didn't though! Caroline had her teeth done, which was in the last blog, she had her tonsils and adenoids out, Robert Joseph turned 2!, and Caroline had her 3rd surgery putting 2 new rods in her legs. Needless to say, we have been slightly busy in the Browne home. Not that our crazy busy life is crazier and busier than others. I am not saying that at all. And it's not that I haven't had a lot to say. I usually just say it to myself while I'm driving. Yes, I am that mom that talks to herself while she drives. And to tell you the truth, we have just had so much going on that I didn't want to sound like an exhausted mom who is looking for a pity party, because that's not true. I love my life. I love my husband, my 2 beautiful kids and of course, our sweet dog who is definitely aging and over dealing with kids!
But something has been pulling at me to blog again. It's literally been on the top of my brain, if that makes sense, for a couple weeks now. But where would I start? What would I say? Would I sound desperate? Would I sound tired? Would people roll their eyes?
But then yesterday I had this overwhelming deja vu. I was texting with a college friend, who just received news that her sweet son had a rare disease as well and she was just given the official diagnosis. It literally stopped me in my tracks and all these emotional feelings came over me. I remembered being in our genetics doctors office when Caroline was just 5 days old and having this horrible lump in my throat. I remember hearing at the orthopedics office that she might never walk. I remember thinking this is the worst case scenario that we were kind of told about. How could this happen to me? Yes, I have done many wrong things in my life, but surely GOD is not repaying me this way? I would rather take a bullet than watch my child endure this life. And as I was texting my friend with my little advice, I kept thinking how is this happening? How can in our small group of friends could 2 of us have kids with rare diseases? And of the 2 of us with these children, why us? Why not, so and so? I have no idea. I do not have the answers. I don't believe me and my friend are any stronger than our other friends. But here we are. I guess all we can do is continue praying, continue being our children's voice and advocate.
It is times like yesterday that make me realize how important my family really is to me. Yes, Robert is all boy and 2 and he drives me batty sometimes, but he's still just 2 and I have just a few more years with him before he goes off to school and doesn't want to hug me anymore. Or ask for a kiss every time he has a boo-boo. And Caroline is already at big girl school! She actually took her lunch to school today and as I saw her walk out the door with Web to go to school I got teary eyed thinking this time next year she'll be at school ALL DAY, not just a few hours in the morning. So, instead of dwelling on this rare diseased child we have, we need to enjoy the time we have with our kids. Our future is going to be rough and tough, but it's also going to be blessed. And really what more could a mom ask for?
Love to all!
And of course, I had to add a couple pictures of the kiddos! They really do love each other and are best friends! (for now at least!!)
4th of July:

Wishbone Day:

Waiting to swim:


Robert is 2:

Caroline is 4: