Caroline has not had any setbacks, KNOCK ON WOOD. She is doing awesome. She loves school, plays well with the other kids, out talks all her friends at school, loves our new nanny. So what could I possibly have to blog about all these days I am driving in my car? Well, I'll tell ya.
OI. I swear those 2 letters consume my brain. There is not 1 hour a day that goes by that I don't think about it. Yes, she is doing great. I've already made that clear and yes, I count my blessings. But there is so much more to it. She is the oldest kid in her class, but the shortest. Her dwarfism is really starting to play a serious role in my every day thinking. I guess it's because I see her with kids her own age and I see how small she is. It's also hard to grasp, when you have a dad that is 6'5, brother that is 6'4", husband that is 6'2". Shortness does not run in our family. And it is especially hard when she tells me she can't reach the door handle because she is not tall enough. It breaks my heart that her friends in school can reach things that she can't. We even had to see if she could get in the chairs at school that she'll be using in her next classroom. It's not easy, and it will take her awhile to adjust to them, but my strong headed daughter will do it. But it just pisses me off that she even has to deal with it. I hate OI. There is nothing about it that puts a smile on my face. Yes, I smile every time I see an achievement, like climbing onto the couch, or walking up the stairs, or climbing into her car seat, but I still hate it. I hate it that she will be a dwarf. I am pissed off about it. But, I am also pissed that I let it get to me. When am I going to come to terms with it all? When will I just say, "Ok, this is it"? Will I ever? Sometimes, I do not believe so.
But today, today she was just a 2 year old with a vivid imagination. She and daddy went to the grocery store and she came home with a princess balloon. Shocking, I know. Well she sees a balloon and immediately thinks, birthday party! So, she and I sit on the living room floor and we have an imaginary birthday party, with imaginary drinks, imaginary cake, and imaginary friends. But for some reason she gets out the gold fish and an unopened bag of chocolate chips! We are having so much fun, and it's time for nap time. I don't know about y'all but the time change was not my friend today with getting her to nap. So I accepted any bribe she would bring to the table. She asked if she could have a birthday party with her lambie and her kitty cat. OF COURSE!! So she takes her milk and the unopened bag of chocolate, and her princess balloon. Well, of course, I tell her the balloon cannot go to bed with her, because the string could hurt her while she is sleeping. And she was fine with that, but HAD TO have the chocolate. Well fine, what harm is that? Plus, I would come back to her room in about 20 minutes once she is sound asleep and get the chocolate out of her crib. Oye veh!
Well, guess who forgot to go back and check on her?! Yep, she managed to open up the bag of chocolate, eat some, get it all in her hair, body, floor, lambie, kitty cat, you name it.
(Aren't you proud I figured out the pictures) I immediately yelled for Web to bring the camera. I was in heaven! My daughter who we have been told from day one would have limitations, boundaries, etc was being a 2 year old! I was teary eyed when I bathed her. (shocking, I know) When she got out of the tub, I hugged her and told her how proud I was of her. HA! I wanted to shout out loud, "LOOK!! My daughter made a mess! My daughter is just like yours!"
Now onto our other child. Poor kid. I promise, we love him just the same!
He is crazy and so ready to be mobile. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not walking by June. The kid is so close to standing on his own. My mom told me that I skipped crawling and went straight to walking, I can totally see him doing that. Here is probably one of the cutest pics of any 6 month old you'll ever see!
And yes, we have sibling love all the time! Caroline tells Robert every day that she loves him. It's pretty cute.
Well that's us in a nutshell. LOL! Probably way more than you ever planned on reading, huh? Hopefully my next blog won't be 6 weeks later!!
Love to all!