Cast of Characters

Kristine: mommy, friend, wife
Web: daddy, husband, man of reason
Caroline: Sweet Caroline, daughter
Kelsey: Sweet Precious Angel, miniature schnauzer, ruler of the house, protector of family
Robert Joseph: baby boy

Thursday, February 10, 2011


We're expecting baby #2!!!

Can you even believe it? We are due August 22nd, right in the middle of the hottest month of the year. But oh well! Web and I couldn't be more excited. We know that Caroline will be the best big sister EVER! As you can tell in the new picture, she is already! Her shirt says it all! HA!
Of course, nothing Web and I do is boring. I am considered AMA. AMA? Advanced Maternal Age. Apparently you turn 35 and you are considered AMA and you need to see a high risk doctor. Science is crazy. It goes back to turning 50 you need your colon checked. Lucky for me I really like my regular OB and we trust her 100%. Shout out to Dr. Strebel who reads this blog! We went to our 1st high risk appt on Monday and everything looked great. We go back in 6 weeks, then 4 weeks after that. The baby is measuring 12 weeks which is exactly how far along we are. Yeah! It's weird though. I don't feel nervous about this pregnancy at all. And no, I have no "feeling" of what we are having. I pray Healthy, Web prays healthy boy!
Also we found out we were pregnant on 12/21 and Caroline broke her femur on 12/30. I am already a blubbering fool when Caroline hurts herself, can you even imagine how I am when my hormones are out of whack?!? PLUS, I couldn't be in the x-ray room when she broke, so Web had to do it all. January has been a crazy roller coaster ride!

As for Caroline's surgery we have no clue. We are waiting to hear back from the doctor in Montreal. Once he looks at her x-rays we are hopeful he can give us his opinion on her hip. So it's a waiting game right now. We are still on the schedule in OKC to have surgery on April 4th. I pray we don't have to do surgery on her hip. And we can just do the rodding in her legs. But we need a 3rd opinion.

Life at the Browne house is as always fun, busy times!
Love to all!


  1. congrats, you 3! Caroline will be an amazing big sister!

  2. Congrats!! I'm so excited for y'all! Caroline will be such a sweet big sister!
