We broke the rules. Caroline is taking baths. We've noticed in the last couple of days that when we take the brace off to change her diaper, she kicks her legs and straightens them out. And she is much easier to maneuver to put on/off the brace. She is not nearly as stiff and sore as she was in the beginning. So the 1st nights bath was simple, I didn't wash her hair, barely touched her with a washcloth. We just wanted her to get used to sitting up without the brace and in water. By night 2, we were washing hair! She is loving it. She kicks and splashes and having a grand time! We might be putting her in the pool this weekend. Shhhh don't tell our doctors!
I am also in the hunt for a part time nanny. I have succumbed to the fact that I can't do it all. This has taken a huge toll on my pride and I am not too happy about it. But with BBB coming sooner than later and Caroline not walking I really have no choice.
So if you know of any PT nannies in the OKC area, PLEASE send them my way. I have a few feelers out there, so hoping to start interviewing soon.
Right now we have Caroline in Mother's Day Out, but there is nothing Out about it for me. I take her, play with her, walk her to the gym, play with her in the gym, sit with her at lunch, take her home right before nap time. Not only am I with her, but I am with 8 other 14-20 month olds. So as you can imagine, there is nothing relaxing about it. I am hoping that our PT nanny can be her 1 on 1 aide and I can stay home with BBB. If I can't find anyone, then we will more than likely have to pull Caroline out of MDO and that is not fair to her. She loves it. Loves the kids, loves the music, loves it all. I have no idea how long we will need a 1 on 1 aide but probably at least through the year because she isn't walking. And in November, we have surgery #2 and that will put her back as well.
I know I am all over the place right now, but I am a little overwhelmed with decisions for Caroline right now. And wouldn't it be nice if everything could be resolved before BBB? HA! I guess I can always hold my breath and hope!
I don't mean for this blog to be me complaining, but today was just one of those days of frustrations for Caroline. I do not think it is fair that she has OI, nor do I think it's fair that I have to go to Mom's Day Out and not enjoy Mom's Day Out! BUT I would absolutely do anything for her and when I see the excitement on her face when she is at school it's totally worth it. I guess today is just one of my pity days!
Love to all!
Oh yeah, went to dr. yesterday and BBB is doing fine and still measuring ahead of the game. Less than 5 weeks!
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