Cast of Characters

Kristine: mommy, friend, wife
Web: daddy, husband, man of reason
Caroline: Sweet Caroline, daughter
Kelsey: Sweet Precious Angel, miniature schnauzer, ruler of the house, protector of family
Robert Joseph: baby boy

Sunday, August 21, 2011

And then there were 4....

Robert Joseph Browne was born on August 15th at 7:48 am. He weighed 7 lb 11 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes that I hope will not change. We thought for sure we would have another red head, but it looks like the Partridge gene took over on Robert! I will spare you the details on my c-section but let's just say it's making me think twice if we want baby #3. And recovery is taking much longer than I had hoped so we'll see! Try not to ask me for at least another year!

My plan was to blog while I was in the hospital. And I definitely could have, I had down time but instead I just enjoyed catching up on some television. It's amazing how much different it is having baby #2. Yes, all the grandparents, family and friends come to visit. But there is Caroline who is being shuttled between home, PAM infusions, hospital visits, then back home. So Web barely got to spend any time with Robert Joseph at the hospital and I didn't get to spend any time with Caroline. Web would leave the hospital by 7:30/8:00 to put Caroline down and Robert and I would just be hanging out in our hospital room bored. I was definitely glad to be back home!

Sadly our trip home was interrupted by a call from the clinic where Caroline was getting her last PAM infusion. We were literally loading up the car and the clinic called to tell us that Caroline's IV had blown had she had been crying and they didn't think they should continue with her treatment. Apparently they had tried to stick her an additional 6 times with an IV! She was with her nana but for some reason the nurses didn't think to call us to ask us what to do because they knew Web was picking me and Robert up from the hospital. Needless, to say we told them to stop and we were immediately on our way to get Caroline instead of going home. Caroline was calm by the time we got there, but apparently she had been crying for 2 hours. There are no words to describe how I felt. It was borderline abuse and Web nor I wasn't there to console her. It was all I could do to not go postal on someone. We packed her stuff up and immediately left. Web told the nurse how we felt and we received a phone call from the boss woman that afternoon. She then proceeds to tell Web it wasn't 6 IV sticks it was 4. Um ok, well now we not only think you suck but we now have no trust in you because you have changed your story. The dr. called us the next day and we told him that we would be in Omaha in November and we would give her PAM at that time, and maybe in February we will be back at his clinic. Sadly, we have been told he is the only dr. in OK that gives PAM. I am going to research it a little more. I am hopeful that since Caroline is turning 2 we can decrease the months of how often to take it. So instead of every 3 months, do it every 4. If that's the case, then Caroline and I will be going to Omaha every 4 months. Shame on us for trying to do a lot in one week, but shame on the clinic for not calling us.

BUT, we are all home now. Definitely not the homecoming we planned. Poor Robert, didn't get any pictures of coming home. He is being such a good baby. Sleeping and eating extremely well. KNOCK ON WOOD. Caroline is a great big sister! She loves her Baby Bubba Robert! I am definitely feeling torn on playing with her vs. feeding him, changing him, etc. But hoping once I can do more post surgery, she and I can have some fun! Like SWIM! Caroline is actually walking and jumping in the pool! She is having such a good time and I can't do it with her. It's definitely one of my low points of being a mommy. But in just 5 short weeks I should be back to normal. Whatever that is!

Thank you all for the wonderful well wishes! We truly are a very blessed family.
Love to all!
The Browne Family of 4

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