I really don't even know where to start. My brain is mush. It is absolutely, 100% true that you forget what it's like being pregnant. I mean if you remember all the grossness of being pregnant, I'm pretty sure a lot of families would only have one child. And you also forget about the newborn stage! I absolutely, positively do not remember Caroline as a newborn. It was such a blur. Probably because at 5 days old we found out about her OI. We had a nurse come to our house to show us how to care for our child, I couldn't nurse because she had a broken arm and clavicle. And to top it off, I cried a lot! I was an absolute mess!!
So now here we are with a non-OI newborn and I feel like we are brand new parents again. It seems that every thing is different. Let me just tell you, Robert is an eater. This kid can seriously consume some milk. He is eating every 2 hours for approximately 45 minutes each time. That gives me about one hour and 15 minutes in the day to do something either with Caroline, switch out laundry, run to the bank, or here's a thought BRUSH MY TEETH AND FACE! And don't even get me started on my lack of showers these days. There is NO WAY I would have done this twice if my Sweet Caroline had been like this, right? WRONG. Web looked in her baby book and sure enough in my hand writing it says that Caroline eats all the time and wants to be held all the time. WHAT?! I do not remember that at all! How is that even remotely possible? How could I do this to myself? Sleepless nights? Dirty hair and clothes? Well, I did. So I guess that means the grass is greener on the other side, or whatever that saying is, because I wouldn't trade Caroline for anything. But man, what I wouldn't do to get a good nights sleep.
But enough of me complaining. We have a lot to be thankful for right now. We have 2 very healthy, growing children. Caroline is standing as much as she can with a brace on her legs. When we take her brace off, out of water, she can kind of take a couple steps! And I am getting closer to being able to work out again! HOORAY! I can hardly wait to get on the elliptical with my workout music and just zone out. Of course, that means I will for sure have to find time to take a shower and well that will be interesting!
If you think about it we would love some prayers our way right about now. On Tuesday, we take Caroline to the OKC ortho dr and by the grace of GOD and all that's right in the world, he better take off this brace. If it doesn't come off, I am scared of what I might do to the poor man. I am so over this brace. Taking it on and off every time we have to change a diaper. I am so over it! I want to be able to see Caroline walk with or without a walker. I want her to be able to stand beside the car when I need to load her brother in the car seat. It is quite the challenge right now with 2 kids that need to be held getting in and out of the car. Just her standing next to me would be a huge help! But gosh, she is so cute. She is using her words like crazy. Loves her new outdoor play house and slide. She is outgrowing her toys, because toys her age are pushing toys and I am so ready for her to PUSH and stand! Can I say that enough? So, like I said, PRAY that Dr. Herndon takes this brace off and puts on the walking brace. Otherwise, I would hate to be him next Tuesday! I might go crazy on him!
FYI, this post has been typed in 2 parts. I started yesterday and finishing today. Hungry Robert called!
Love to all!
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