Cast of Characters

Kristine: mommy, friend, wife
Web: daddy, husband, man of reason
Caroline: Sweet Caroline, daughter
Kelsey: Sweet Precious Angel, miniature schnauzer, ruler of the house, protector of family
Robert Joseph: baby boy

Monday, February 4, 2013

2 in one week?!?

Hi! Just a quick update on our Sweet Caroline. We finally found a pediatric dentist that we not only like, but who will do proactive surgery on Caroline! She will be getting silver caps on her 8 molars in the back of her mouth. The top 6 teeth will get crowns as well but the front facing crown will be white. The bottom 6 teeth will have crowns, but we aren't sure if they will be crowns with white facing or a "strip". The crown is our 1st pick because of the stability of a crown, but her teeth are small and wearing down so he isn't sure if he has small enough crowns that would work. He is also going to talk to a pediatric dentist in Atlanta, GA that we suggested who has done surgery on other OI children. He was more than willing to call that doctor. This dentist was recommended to us from OI Clinic in Omaha. He went to school there and is familiar with the OI clinic and knows Dr. Esposito personally. So we feel very good about this doctor. It's amazing how a little faith and prayers will finally send you the right person. And I flat out told him, that it is mainly a vanity issue for me. Caroline deserves a pretty smile. At first, we talked about keeping her lower teeth as is, and just see where it goes. But we want to do one surgery, and be done. Now you're probably asking yourselves why do this surgery on baby teeth? Yes, it is quite a bit of $ for teeth that will be gone in 3-4 years. Caroline already has an upper tooth that all the enamel is gone. And she has a lower tooth that the enamel is chipping away. It's kind of like OI. It's not a matter of if she will have another break but when. It's not a matter of if another tooth will chip, but when. If all of her teeth follow the same direction, Caroline would have "nubs" and she could also have permanent nerve damage. So we are going to bite the bullet. We can just continue to pray that her permanent teeth will not have DI, but if they do, then we'll deal with that just like everything else! We are very lucky that her teeth have never stopped her from eating. We know of other sweet kids, who are very picky eaters, because their teeth hurt too much to eat. And now that they have had this surgery they are thriving! I can't imagine what Caroline will eat next. Probably more ice, suckers and heaven knows what other hard candy she can get her hands on. Caroline will be having this surgery the 6th of March and from what we have been told, she should be ready to eat the following day! Crossing fingers and toes! Love to all! Kristine While I am here, I'm going to post of the kids last month in Santa Fe sledding in the driveway. They had so much fun!

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