Cast of Characters

Kristine: mommy, friend, wife
Web: daddy, husband, man of reason
Caroline: Sweet Caroline, daughter
Kelsey: Sweet Precious Angel, miniature schnauzer, ruler of the house, protector of family
Robert Joseph: baby boy

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thinking caps on please!

Ever since we booked Caroline's surgery I have been reading the OI Facebook posts and the Yahoo OI posts all day everyday. Trying to learn as much as possible for post op care in the hospital. We are happy that we are doing this surgery while Caroline is young and she won't remember anything, and hopefully not dangle it over our head when she is older! But how is she supposed to tell us when she needs more medicine? Or if she is in uncomfortable? I guess we'll just learn that new cry like the other cries we know.

I need some advice though. We will be in the hospital for a total of at least 8 days. There are only so many movies, cartoons, bubbles, one can watch or play with. I need toy advice. I read that I should bring something new for Caroline daily. Something to help distract her during the day. Like a surprise.
I need 8-10 ideas. She will only be 17 1/2 months so activities are limited. Plus she will be hospital bed bound. Chances are she won't be able to sit up, but more leaning on a pillow. Also, I would love these ideas to be easy to pack for the ride home, plus cost efficient! We will be there Easter Sunday and of course, I will be bringing her Easter basket. I have already purchased basket ideas. This Easter we are going with a pool theme! Pool towel, pool toys, bathing suit. She will be doing tons of aqua therapy once the cast is off.

So please. Thinking caps ON and send me your ideas!

On another crazy, exciting note, my blog is now being published on and! WHAT?!? How can my "therapy" writing that my friends had me start go "viral"?!?! Well, people know people, who know people. So check out the websites! Tons of savings, information, directories, BLOGS, etc. You name it, more than likely it's on there!
Love to all!


  1. Bubbles, blow them over her bed. They may be calming too. Balloons to let her toss around. New story books or age appropriate puzzles (take a big ziplock bag to keep all the pieces in for travel).

  2. We swear by Little Einstein movies. That has been our only saving grace at many of Evan's hospital stays. You can go on Ebay and buy the boxed set which contains 24 of them and they are each about 30 minutes each You can also set them on auto play. They have been a true lifesaver for us. Bubbles also always do the trick. Gymboree sells a little bubble gun that offers lots of fun. Puppets - Evan loves puppet shows. Plus, they would be small to pack. Any and all Karen Katz "Where's baby's......." books. These have proven to be favorites that our little guy loves to read over and over again and pull up the flaps. Stacking blocks/cups. Big markers (washable of course) and a jumbo "floor pad" of paper. A pillow pet or other stuffed animal for her to cuddle with following her surgery for extra comfort. A magnet board with magnets (paper dolls, the Leap Frog farm animals magnet toy, spinners, letters, etc.). A tub (the hospital probably has one) - fill it 1/2 full with water and rubber duckies and for some reason they are amazed watching them float around and splashing their hands in the water. Different textured items (a small container with rice in it, crinkly paper, cotton balls, sand paper, etc.). Leap Frog "Violet" bear - you program it with favorite songs, foods, names, etc. This is one of Evan's faves (of course he has "Scout" - the boy). The all time fave is plastic food. This provides hours and hours of entertainment - I'm not sure why, but I don't know of any kid who isn't amused with plastic food. I'm sure if you didn't want to pack it you could pick up a set at Wal-Mart for 10 bucks or less and just toss it when you leave. If I think of anything else, I will let you know. Oh, Gerber puffs, puffs and more puffs. Something Evan will always eat even when nothing else will do. Good luck to you guys and we will keep Caroline in our prayers for a safe and successful surgery!
